Hi, I’m Rhonda Olson.
In my clinic, I have much experience treating problems that have not responded to other approaches: anxiety, headaches, migraines, insomnia, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, concussion, traumatic brain injury, TMJ and sciatica to name a few.
I am committed to applying sound principles of care, that are well grounded in the latest research, but delivered with sensitivity, compassion and presence.
My path of learning as a therapist has taken me on an intense journey into my own trauma and healing. This has allowed me to deeply understand and help with the pain and trauma that others are experiencing.
I enjoy taking the time to be with each person and listen closely to what each individual has to say.
I believe that compassion in care is of greater importance than any other factor.
I practice Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) because of it’s unique perspective on healing: our approach is to look for health rather than pathology.
I help introduce people to their health. This health is always there, but sometimes hard to find through life’s struggles. When we feel our own health, our perspective on life changes and we begin to not only heal but to thrive.
Learn more about Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.
I have been a practicing bodyworker since 2015. I am a graduate of the well respected international school Body Intelligence.
I’m also a multidisciplinary writer who has published both poetry and fiction. Before becoming a therapist, I worked as a writer and producer of television. My shows can be seen all over the world.
For more on my journey to craniosacral therapy please read “How Life Got Better”