Concussions are Tricky

Concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are difficult to diagnose. No two concussions are alike. Sometimes symptoms show up weeks even years after the initial brain injury.

How a person recovers from concussion often depends on whether or not they have previously experienced a concussion, a factor often unknown, and the circumstances in which their recovery takes place. A supportive, low stress environment are the best circumstances for a full recovery.

Most recover within a few months on their own. A small percentage have persistent symptoms. Because a traumatic brain injury can impact multiple components of the craniosacral system adversely affecting the free flow and pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, blood flow, nueral conduction and numerous other physiologic functions, healing can be challenging.

The Good News

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in 2014 discovered that dysfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is common in concussion suffers. Symptoms of a compromised ANS include (but are not limited to) anxiety, mood swings, difficulty sleeping and an inability to concentrate. In a subsequent 2015 study researches found that balancing the ANS significantly lessens these symptoms.

The good news is that Craniosacral Therapy, the complementary therapy that I practice, is brilliant at balancing the ANS. Of course, this is not the only way to balance the ANS: meditation, exposure to nature, calming music, being with loved ones and pets can also help, but a craniosacral session is like a short cut to symptom relief.

Next Steps

If you would like to try a session, I offer of a money back guarantee if you do not feel any symptom relief after your session.

I also welcome you to give me a call should you need more information or just the opportunity to know me more before making a decision about coming in for a session. You can find my contact information here.